Thursday 29 September 2011

And Then There Were Two

Unfortunately one of our group members decided to drop media studies. Her dropping the course was a last resort for her due to some timetable complications she couldn't resolve but all's not lost me and my other group member have decided to just carry on as a pair than to just look for another person to join our group this will mean we have split the work of research and planning between us equally.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Final Storyboard

The storyboard that I have decided to choose is "The Hood in the Wood". I want to elaborate more on this idea and decide on the characters and props and the costumes according to this story and plot. I want to choose the correct location spots for the shooting of the trailer.   

Monday 19 September 2011

Storyboard 3 The Hood in the Wood

Background Story
With this idea I wanted to do a grave encounters combined with the Blair witch project type trailer. There have been sightings in the infamous Lister Park a lot of people have said they have seen things and have taken pictures of the thing. 

Trailer Scenes 

Sunday 18 September 2011

Storyboard 2 Attack of the Killer Balloons

The Background Story
The film is called “Attack of the Killer Balloons” where an outer space bacteria crashes into earth which eventually releases a bacteria that survives in the earth’s atmosphere. The bacteria turns into a balloon shape, the way the balloon attacks is it bursts and releases a toxic gas that it melts its victims and turns them into another balloon containing the lethal gas.  

Trailer Scenes

Friday 16 September 2011

Storyboard 1 Rise of the Dead

Now that I have finished research into trailers, genres, horror trailers the next best thing to do is now I need to have some ideas for a trailer. I need to brainstorm some ideas and post them up as story boards. I want at least 6 to 10 different ideas to choose from. 

The Background Story 

The trailer is called “Rise of the Dead” – the dead start to rise after a group of Satan worshipers tried to call the Devil out instead they raise the dead. But the funny thing is the only two who know how to kill these beings are two stupid lazy teenage boys. All their childhood all they have ever done is played video games that consist of zombies, read only books or comics on zombies so they were more educated in the world on what to with a supernatural flesh eating monster. Next thing you know they get right on the job and start killing them and the only way to kill them is to blow off their kneecaps so they can’t move anymore and they will rot away. The comedy side to it is that no way could they kill all those zombies so they die leaving a legacy on how to kill zombies they left behind a survival guide and next thing you know the armies and police nearly everyone take advice from this book on how to survive a zombie attack. These are the same boys who were good for nothings now have monuments built for them.  

Trailer Scenes

Thursday 15 September 2011

Research Into Horror Trailers 10

This is a French horror film released in 2006. It is about a couple who get terrorized by children. This film is mostly based around technique because when I watched this I thought that the people terrorizing them were adults and all men. At the beginning of this film they never let on that they were children. 
  • The film begins by startling the audience using loud diagetic telephone ringing as the production logo fades from the first scene
  • A sense of foreboding is built up by using darkly lit interior mise-en-scene, a nuisance phone call, the actors shown to unnerved by strange sounds
  • The trailer also inter cuts with text announced by metallic banging, giving positive reviews by various respected media sources
  • Diagetic sounds of banging, screaming and breaking glass add to the tension

Monday 12 September 2011

Research Into Horror Trailers 9

The Host is a South Korean film that was released 2006. The film is seen as a monster movie with a few comedic segments. The film is about a small family who all love their daughter Hyun-Seo, unfortunately an American pathologist tells his Korean assistant to dump over 200 bottles of chemicals (formaldehyde) down the sink. This in time reaches the River Han which mutates a fish into a large under water monster. It comes on to the land and starts attacking people and eating them. It takes Hyun-Seo alive and it’s up to the whole family to get her back, but not only does the monster terrorise people it also releases a deathly virus. 
  • The trailer opens up by showing an American doctor telling his assistant to dump toxic chemicals into the sink; 
  • the following scene shows the production logo for the film. 
  • we then see a father running towards his child but falls over in between, you sees text explaining to you who they are. 
  • The next scene shows the monster taking the girl the next thing we see are the police, armies and other authoritative people jump in and start to quarantine anyone who was touched or was near the animal. 
  • Everyone in the family starts to prepare themselves to fight the monster. 
  • The choice of music at the beginning where the family is introduced is lighthearted and portrays the family as harmless and comedic
  • However when the monster is first introduced the music becomes more menacing, interspersed with screaming
  • The mise-en-scene begins in a modern urban area near a river, later the setting changes to the sewers and here the lighting is much darker