Cube is a Canadian Sci fi, psychological thriller and horror film. This film has five different genres; I decided to look at this trailer because I can vaguely remember watching it. The film mostly received positive reviews, from what I can remember the film had quite a lot of bloody scenes. The director obviously focused more on the blood and the gore.
The film is about being trapped in a cube maze that has traps. Seven people get stuck in this cube we don’t how they got there or why. But they try to work together to find a way out.
- The trailer starts with an extreme close up of an eye; anyone who is a bit jumpy will not like to see this. The next scene is a shot of the room, which is white with different doors to choose from. We see him opening all of the doors to see what’s inside, they are the exact same rooms but in different colours.
- The camera shoots inside of the different room so we can see the room and him looking inside it. We see the guy going into one of the rooms and he freezes up at this point the camera moves right into his face. And we see text; the next scenes are of the rest of the people that are stuck in the cube we see them trying to get out. This is a very claustrophobic film.
- Scenes of engraved numbers are inter cut with scenes of traps going off in different room, this adds to the sense of mystery and menace
- Character dialogue is continuous and portrays group conflict,
- by inter cutting with other scenes from the film, the dialogue changes from diagetic to non-diagetic,
- The music used throughout is eerie and foreboding,
- lighting and camera angles accentuate the sense of claustrophobia