"Hell Raiser" is a British horror film that was released in 1987. The film was based on the horror writer Clive Bakers book the "Hell Bound Heart". The film is about a traveler named Frank Cotton who buys a puzzle box from a sales merchant in Morocco. Unfortunately for him he solves the puzzle box which unleashes hooked chains that rip him apart. With the hooks come humanoids to torture him and then drag his remains back to their realm. Frank tries to get himself back together with the help of his sister-in-law. She brings back men to her house to die so he can use there remains to build himself up again.
- The trailer starts with a quote from Stephen King, which praises the work of Clive Barker, the trailer cashes in on that kind of endorsement.
- The first scene is of a man sitting surrounded by candles and holding something, the mise-en-scene has connotations of witchcraft or paganism, the whole scene is dark lit by just the candles
- non-diagetic eerie music is used throughout interspersed with diagetic sounds of demons and screaming.
- The trailer relies solely on scenes of demons, screaming women and dark misty shadowy mise-en-scenes and gives no indication of the plot synopsis of the film given above.
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