Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Research Into Horror Trailers 5

The next trailer I looked at is called “the devils backbone” this film was directed by Guerrilla Del Toro, this guy is known for making scary Spanish films. 
  • The trailer begins by showing a long shot of a car driving towards an orphanage the next shot is a mid shot of a boy stepping out of the car. We find out the boy is there until his farther is back from the civil war, 
  • in between the scenes text is shown adding to the narrative and giving further plot  details, particularly with "what is a ghost?", we now know the supernatural nature of the film
  • The next scene shows a bomb falling in the middle of the playground but failing to explode. While the boy is in the orphanage he keeps seeing a ghost of a boy as reflections in glass but he keeps disappearing.  
  • Later we find out that there are secrets in the orphanage. 
  • The mise-en-scene is an old run down building that is used as a home for children. The building is in the middle of some fields. 
  • The period seems to be World War 2 as the clothes and other props seem to resemble that era, not to mention the giant bomb

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