Monday, 4 July 2011

Research into Trailers 2

The next trailer I looked at was ‘Immortals’, this is very different from Mrs. Doubtfire. This trailer is based on Greek legends and myths; the actual film is based on the legend of Theseus. The trailer has many complicated and detailed scenes as you watch it you see how much work is done on the visual effects and how Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) has been seamlessly incorporated into live footage, to the extent that it is indistinguishable to the viewers save for the impossibility of certain shots. 

The movie is made by the same producers of another film based on Greek legend called ‘300’. People, who have seen 300, will recognise the similarity of style to ‘Immortals’. 
  • In the first scene we see a bird flying over us then a narration is done by a man called Hyperion played by Mickey Rourke, basically saying that he is going to start a war with the gods and to do this he needs to release the Titans. 
  • In the next scene we see Hyperion and his large army slaughtering innocent people while this is happening a character is introduced who we as the audience can assume is Theseus played by Henry Cavill, the main protagonist of the film, he is shown in extreme close up as well as long shot so the viewers can see the man’s physique and heroic looks. 
  • This shot links in with the hero giving off that raw sex appeal which can also link to how they wanted to market the trailer. 
  • The film was also released in 3D which fits in with another well known marketing strategy, that of unique selling point. 
  • The trailer is not at all ambiguous it does give out enough of the plot for the viewers to be interested, and maybe more to those who are big enthusiasts of the Greek mythology. The first thing the viewers will notice straight away is the genre, the setting (Greece), the plot and when the film will be released; which is traditionally given at the end.
The genre for this film is action/fantasy, this means it’s a combination of two genres that have been put together to make one genre. There are many films that are hybrids, for example ‘Hot Fuzz’, ‘Evil Dead’ and ‘Cowboys & Aliens’. Another good trailer technique used is the text coming in between certain scenes which helps the audience to draw even more information out about the plot. Also the scene where Theseus cracks open the rock to find The Epirus Bow, reminded me of the welsh legend of Excalibur the sword of King Arthur which was also known for being plunged in a stone and had magical powers just like the Epirus Bow. 

The ‘Immortals’ trailer definitely interested me because I’ am a big fan of Greek myths and legends, after watching the trailer I definitely wanted to brush up on my reading of the Theseus story and try to remember how it is written in the book compared to how much the film may have followed the story. This is a good trailer for me to be quite imaginative when it comes to making our own but again it maybe too ambitious to think we could pull off something similar. But what is good for us to analyse and try to adopt are the different camera techniques used, camera angles and also how the trailer was consistent with their action sequences. Not only are we analysing the camera work done, but also how the music changed its tempo and rhythm according to each scene, this can be said for both diegetic and non diegetic sounds. 


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