Friday 30 December 2011

Research - Film Posters Unique Selling Point

This is the way a film is ‘marketed’ as being different or better from other films in that genre. 

  • The unusual appearance of the spaceship suggests there are going to be stunning special effects. The fact it is 3D also makes it different and entices us to visit the cinema.
  • The ‘Unique Selling Point’ (USP) of this film is clearly the special effects, as shown by the images used in the film poster. We are also encouraged to visit the cinema to watch it in IMAX 3D. This makes the film a different experience from other Sci-fi films available.

Monday 26 December 2011

Research – Film Poster’s Rule of Thirds

This is when the poster is divided into thirds, the hotspots are where our eyes naturally fall and items are placed around this area and then guide our eyes around the page to notice other elements of the poster. 

  • The hotspots draw attention to the Plain, the women, the name of the film and the star in this case is Ben Affleck. All these elements are being used to sell the film.
  • This poster has been designed so the ‘hotspots’ draw our attention to key elements of the film such as the women indicates she will be a ‘love interest’.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Research - Film Posters Star Appeal

This is when the poster uses a famous actor or director to sell the film. These techniques will appeal to fans and people who have seen and enjoyed their previous work.

  • The makers of this film have decided to give most of the space to the famous actor Will Smith.  This will draw the attention of fans.
  • For some people who don’t know the actor, the poster also has his name in big bold letters beside him. 

Sunday 18 December 2011

Research – Film Posters Narrative Image

Narrative image is the story that is being told on the poster (we make guesses about what will happen based on the images/text).


  • Six people are introduced in the poster this suggests they are involved with the story.
  • One of them is wearing a German Nazi uniform.  
  • The background suggests they are in a middle eastern country
  • Indiana is riding horses probably escaping from some goons.
The poster suggests that Indiana is involved in another adventure. He’s probably mixed up with more trouble with  Nazis again.

Friday 16 December 2011

Shooting Schedule

I want to start filming in the middle of January because that is when I have permission to go on The Gables field. So I have planned the filming to be started in the middle of January finishing the filming in the middle of February and then from there I will be starting the editing.

Week 1
Lesson 5
The Gables
Week 2
Lesson 5
The Gables
Week 3
Lesson 2
Week 4
Lesson 5
Week 5
Lesson 5
The Gables
Week 6
Lesson 2
The Gables

Thursday 15 December 2011

Redraft of Storyboard

While filming the story board I chose I got more ideas on how I wanted to compose the trailer. I liked the idea lots of small jump cuts interspersed with black screen that faded text in and out. I felt it would add more menace and sense of peril. I also like the idea of first person perspective or point of view (POV). This gave me some benefits, in the context of the trailer it gave a greater sense of peril and gave the audience the POV of the victim. Also as none of us are professional actors or have any acting experience, I felt the less screen time I gave my actors the better. The trailer would feel more authentic if the menace was kept out of sight and off screen. 

I decided to experiment with the camera and run with it held out in front of me. This became the basis of the chase or panic shots. I also tried some thing new, that was to improvise a dolly, basically I hung my camera from a harness I constructed from strong string, this stopped it rotating. I then lowered the camera near the ground and ran with it holding it just above ground level foliage. As I ran I weaved the camera through some of the foliage. I saw that this was effective and decided to modify the storyboard to incorporate more of these types of shots.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


For my trailer most of the music I want to use, I will be creating using new software I bought for my iPad. This software is called GarageBand and I find it is much easier to use. Creating music or eerie sound effects is a doddle, the touch screen makes fiddling around with keys much easier to edit as well as picking other instruments without all the hassle of clicking. I found I didn't have to be a musical prodigy at it and it was possible to kick out simple melodies and sound effects. However I don't have any musical training and I was never really satisfied with the tunes I made. So I also looked at royalty free music available on the internet. Some of the sites charged a small fee for downloading things and had a large variety of music and sound effects sorted into various categories.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Shooting Location 2 - Begbroke

The second shooting location is again close to my grandma's and it fit in with what I wanted to capture. The location was called Begbroke and we went into a secluded field of wheat to take the next few shots we needed. There were signs around saying not to go walking in the field due to harmful pesticides and to use the designated footpath instead. 

Shooting Location 1 - The Gables

I decided on a few shooting locations and they were all quite close to my grandma's house, the first was my grandma's neighbours house. I wanted to use his field for one of the shots I needed to take for my trailer. It looked exactly like what I needed so we asked the owner of the field if we could go on his land and he agreed as long as we didn't litter. His field is called The Gables.

Monday 5 December 2011


I didn't need to use many props and I prefer it that way as it  keeps the trailer simple but effective and leaves more to the imagination. However the props I did want to use was a child missing poster, which I could make myself using Microsoft Word. I think I would most likely snap a really dry twig for one of the sound effects I intend to put in my trailer. 

The Missing Poster 

A Dry Stick