Wednesday 25 January 2012

My Film Poster - Hood In Da Wood

After the research I did on film posters I gained many ideas on how to construct my own poster. I wanted to include some of the poster techniques and elements I researched. For example the rule of space, typography and genre conventions. Unfortunately I can’t use star appeal as there are no famous actors in my trailer. 

I started with a royalty free image of a forest silhouette from Deviant Art. I manipulated it together with an image of a full moon enlarged and used as the back drop to make my film poster. I used Photoshop to manipulate all the images and text in my poster and had to reacquaint myself with some of the tools in the software. 

Below you can see the poster in progress. I started by merging the moon and forest silhouette together and then using a blood red monochrome filter I incorporated a genre convention.

I had a lot of fun designing this poster particularly as I used funny in jokes and quotes only my friends and family would understand, for me this gave it that finishing touch. I also played about with the glow and texture to make sure the quotes stood out. I did have trouble with the colour gradient for a while which I achieved through trial and error. Initially the image I made was in landscape orientation while the poster was in portrait orientation. Initially there was a black bar above the moon which I wanted to avoid, I wanted to match the background with the picture and wanted it to blend in with the different shades of dark red to black. Through trial and error using the colour gradient tool I managed to get a pretty close match. There was still a faint line that was noticeable, here I plastered the title across it and raised the external glow, this masked the join effectively. For the title I used the font "cracked", this had the right sinister feel to it that I felt matched the theme of the poster. Below you can see the finished film poster.

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